
Depending on the time of the year, CCKC Bristol Ranges has both indoor and outdoor shooting options for the sport of archery. We have over 50 acres of cleared and wooded land directly across Highway AH from the main CCKC Bristol Ranges clubhouse. This land includes two wooded trails with 13 targets that can range upwards of 60 yards and a practice range with targets at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 and 100 yards. We also have an indoor range at the main clubhouse that goes to 30 yards. Crossbows are allowed at both the indoor and outdoor ranges.

CCKC Bristol Ranges do not have firearms available for rent!

Concealed carry and open carry firearms are not allowed at CCKC Bristol Ranges!

Alcohol is prohibited at all CCKC Bristol Ranges.

Archery 1
Archery 2
Archery 3
Archery 4
Archery 5
Archery 6
Archery 7
Archery 8
Archery 9
previous arrow
next arrow



Every Sunday (excluding holidays) 9am-4pm

Archery daily shooting fees
Member: $5 Non-Member: $10

We also have various indoor and outdoor leagues throughout the year.

  • A spring league on our outdoor wooded trail
  • A fall 5 spot in our clubhouse
  • A winter indoor 3D league (our most popular)

We are also looking to add more leagues in the future. Please check here or our Facebook Page for all the latest updates.

Archery Range General Rules

  • All range users and shooters are personally responsible for range safety and safe shooting.
  • All shooters are responsible to immediately correct any unsafe conditions.
  • If you observe any unsafe situation, report it immediately to a range officer.
  • Alcohol is prohibited at all CCKC Bristol Ranges.
  • Persons who have been consuming alcohol or are under the influence of drugs are prohibited from shooting.
  • Parents are responsible for their children.
  • Respect others and their equipment.
  • Deposit all trash in containers.
  • No rubber band bows are allowed.
  • At the outdoor range, be sure that the target and target area is clear of other archers before shooting.
  • Shooting is permitted only from the designated shooting positions.
  • Do not nock an arrow until it is your turn to shoot and then only with your bow pointed down range.
  • All archers must shoot from the same line or distance.
  • All archers will retrieve their arrows at the same time.
  • At the indoor range, shooters should not go forward of the firing line, until a shooting break is called by the duty range officer.
  • No spectators are permitted past the firing line.
  • All shots and shooting positions must be approved by the duty range officer.

Please follow these rules while using the range. Violations will be enforced. Violators will be asked to leave the facility, and subject to criminal and / or civil sanctions

If you have any questions, please contact the Archery Head Range Officers:
Barb Johnson  360-751-4350
Joe Richardson 815-236-2127

Facebook Group Conservation Club of Kenosha County-Archery Range

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